
A) This organization will be non-political, non-religious, non-governmental, profit-free publicity institution.

B) To reduce the morality, discrimination and misconduct of society, through the means of conducting civil service, senior civil and non-governmental, self-defense of the society, to utilize for the benefit of knowledge, shapes, thoughts, creativity and behavior. Helping to build society.

C) Spiritual, senior citizen of the society, including spiritual resources for protection, respect, and shelter, shelter, medication, entertainment, exercise, yoga, psychological discussion, re-rehabilitation and rehabilitation of unaware of unhealthy society. Long-term rehabilitation house construction and operation.

D) To respect the personality of good and handsome work in the society, and to study, research, develop, expand, monitor, evaluate and evaluate the different body level for the education, health, environment, human, social, cultural, religious, archeological, physical, economic, etc. To coordinate the plan, project and programs by coordinating coordination.

E) Help to build good civil society through the long-term resettlement of home construction and operation including spiritual resources for protection, remedies, rehabilitation, rehabilitation, rehabilitation, rehabilitation, habitat, protection of women, victims, disappeared, lost and dull-minded women in violence.F) To ensure women friendly development from the establishment of the business and enterprise center for the art, sheep and culture center for the protection of women’s sheep and art culture, women’s consciousness center for consciousness development, and business and enterprise centers for income generation. G ) To plan, conduct, monitor, and evaluate various schemes, shepherd, income-related plans to remove women’s different human, family, social, legitimate, financial problems, gender equality, gender justice, rights, leadership development, empowerment, social harmony Contact, coordination and collaboration with body/ levels.  H) For Future of tomorrow: To ensure child protection from the mother’s womb to reach childhood, to ensure the safety, development, protection and participation of the children, till the age of puberty, various types of programs for various education, health, moral, social, cultural, cultural, intellectual development, To evaluate I) Orphan missing, diminished mindset, unrest, childhood, child abuse, child abuse, and other children’s safety, medicine, entertainment,  sports, child park, psychological consultation, long-term restoration including various facilities for rehabilitation. Creating an environment to face the challenges of the coming time from the basis of the establishment of the Center and the opportunity to consume opportunities Rebuilding a beautiful society.

J) Other development aspects of society: Physical construction, forest environment, sanitation, good governance, disaster and natural disasters, negative impact of climate change, biological diversity, social-political-religious harmony, religious settlement of religious status, youth, businessman, farmer, profession and all human rights Research, development, publicity, organization building, technology development, promotion, tour, for positive change , conferences, institutional development, sustainable development, etc. will support the overall activities of Nepal  perspectives.


क) यो संस्था गैर राजनितिक, गैर धार्मिक, गैर सरकारी, मुनाफा रहित जनहितकारी संस्था हुने  ।

ख) समाजका बृद्ध, ज्येष्ठ नागरीक तथा असक्त असहायहरुको सार्वजनिक रुपमा आत्म सम्मानको रक्षा गर्न, ज्ञान, शीप, विचार, अनुभव, सृजनसीलता तथा विद्धताको समाजका लागि सदुपयोग गर्न तथा उनीहरुको मनोवल बढाउन दिवा सेवा केन्द्र संचालनको माध्ययमबाट समाजका विकृति, विसंगति, दुराचार घटाई असल समाज निर्माणमा सहयोग गर्ने ।

ग) समाजका बृद्ध, ज्येष्ठ नागरीक, बेपता, अपहेलित, पिडित, तथा असक्त असहायहरुको सुरक्षा, सम्मान, तथा जीवन निर्वाहका लागि आश्रय, स्याहार–सुसार, औषधोपचार, मनोरंजन, व्यायाम, योग, मनोसामाजिक विमर्श, पुनरमिलन तथा पुनस्र्थापना गर्न अध्यात्मिक श्रोत साधन सहितको दीर्घकालीन पुनःस्र्थापना गृह निर्माण तथा संचालन गर्ने ।

घ) समाजमा असल एवं श्रृजनशील कार्य गर्ने व्यक्तित्वलाई सम्मान गर्ने, तथा शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, वातावरण, मानवीय, सामाजिक, साँस्कृतिक, धार्मिक, पुरातात्विक, भौतिक, आर्थिक, आदि क्षेत्रहरुको अध्ययन, अनुसंधान, विकास, विस्तार, अनुगमन, मूल्यांकनका लागि विभिन्न निकाय तहसंग समन्वय सहकार्य गरी योजना, परियोजना तथा कार्यक्रमहरु संचालन गर्ने ।

ङ) हिंसामा परेका, पिडित, बेपता, हराएका, सुस्त मनस्थितिका महिलाहरुको सुरक्षा, औषधोपचार, मनोरञन, व्यायाम, आश्रय एवं पुनःस्थापना, पुनःमिलन, सम्मान, आदिका लागि अध्यात्मिक श्रोत साधन सहितको दीर्घकालीन पुनस्र्थापना गृह निर्माण तथा संचालनको माध्ययमबाट असल नागरिक समाज निर्माणमा सहयोग पुरयाउने ।